Sislik's Photo Gallery

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Home > Akce a oslavy nejen v Plzni > Sislíkovi je 24
Lipop_P3271832.JPG Lipop_P3271833.JPG Lipop_P3271835.JPG Lipop_P3271836.JPG Lipop_P3271837.JPG Lipop_P3271838.JPG WWW_DSC07330.JPG WWW_DSC07331.JPG
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File information
Album name:Sislik / Sislíkovi je 24
Rating (2 votes):11111(Show details)
Filesize:611 KiB
Date added:Mar 28, 2008
Dimensions:1280 x 960 pixels
Displayed:252 times
DateTime Original:2008:03:26 23:04:02
EXIF Image Height:960 pixels
EXIF Image Width:1280 pixels
Exposure Mode:0
Exposure Program:Program
Exposure Time:1/40 sec
File Source:Digital Still Camera
Flash:Flash, Auto-Mode, Return light not detected
FlashPix Version:version 1
Focal length:7.9 mm
Metering Mode:Pattern
Resolution Unit:Inch
Favorites:Add to Favorites